Barbara Gardner Oertli | Original Fine Art

Two cat buddies stare out at a bird feeder. 16x20" oil on canvas, 2023.

Our orange tabby "Bob" eyes a squirrel on his deck, through a window. Oil on canvas NFS

Our Orange Tabby "Bob" looks out boldly in this pose. Oil on canvas. NFS

Our first cat "Muffin" sits in the casement window, looking out. Watercolor. NFS

Our smart and sassy tabby "Felix" waits patiently on the back step for breakfast. Oil on canvas. NFS

Our orange tabby "Bob" is alert and alarmed as thunder hits our home. Oil on canvas. Available.

Watercolor, commissioned pet portrait. Sold.

Watercolor, commissioned pet portrait. Sold.

Watercolor of "Barn Cats" living in my sister-in-law's barn. Original in private collection.
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